Chandigarh: Haryana Energy Minister, Ranjit Singh, graced the felicitation ceremony of Anganwadi workers in Panniwala Mota, Sirsa district on Monday. The event also marked the inauguration of the newly constructed Shri Kabir Dharamshala.
During the ceremony, Minister Ranjit Singh highlighted the implementation of welfare schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aimed at uplifting women in the region.
“Chief Minister Manohar Lal is actively involved in the welfare of Dalits, backward, and marginalized communities in the state. Through public-private partnerships (PPPs), various benefits are reaching the impoverished. Online services have proven instrumental in providing convenient access to ration cards, pensions, and other essentials for those in need,” the Minister stated.
He emphasized the government’s commitment to eradicating corruption and conducting unbiased developmental work across the state. The government aims to extend development projects to villages, mirroring the urban model. Minister Ranjit Singh assured that efforts are underway to ensure the actual beneficiaries receive the full benefits of welfare schemes.
This felicitation ceremony not only recognized the efforts of Anganwadi workers but also marked a significant step with the inauguration of Shri Kabir Dharamshala, contributing to the overall development and well-being of the community in Panniwala Mota.