Chamoli: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami chaired a crucial meeting on Wednesday at the Vidhan Sabha Bhawan in Bharadisen, Gairsain, focusing on the development of a comprehensive land law for Uttarakhand. The meeting included members of the land law committee, former officials, and other local intellectuals who discussed a draft of the proposed legislation.
The Chief Minister emphasized the state government’s commitment to implementing a strong land law that aligns with public sentiment and the interests of local communities. He noted that several valuable suggestions were put forward during the discussions, which will be incorporated into the draft.
To ensure the land law reflects the voices of Uttarakhand’s people, CM Dhami announced that additional feedback will be collected at the grassroots level, involving consultations with citizens through SDMs and Tehsildars. “We’re preparing this land law draft to address both local needs and developmental priorities,” he said.
Earlier in the day, CM Dhami visited Badrinath Dham, offering prayers for the state’s prosperity and peace. With the pilgrimage season nearing its end, he remarked on the growing number of devotees visiting Badrinath each year. “Guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision, we are advancing the Yatra’s master plan swiftly, aiming to enhance the pilgrimage experience year after year,” Dhami added.