Mumbai: In preparation for the upcoming assembly elections, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has released its third candidate list, featuring a total of 13 nominees. This list comes shortly after the party unveiled its first and second lists just days ago, indicating a rapid approach to finalizing its election strategy.
Among the candidates announced, both new and familiar faces have been included. Notably, Dinkar Patil from Nashik West has been nominated to contest in the elections, marking his return to the political arena.
Here is the complete list of candidates from the MNS’s third announcement:
– Amravati: Pappu alias Mangesh Patil
– Nashik West: Dinkar Patil
– Ahmedpur: Nirsingh Bhikane
– Parli: Abhijit Deshmukh
– Vikramgad: Sachin Shingda
– Bhiwandi Rural: Vanita Kathure
– Palghar: Naresh Korda
– Shahada: Atmaram Pradhan
– Wadala: Snehal Jadhav
– Kurla: Pradeep Waghmare
– Ovala-Majivada: Sandeep Panchange
– Gondia: Suresh Chaudhary
– Pusad: Ashwin Jaiswal
This swift succession of candidate announcements reflects MNS’s commitment to establishing a robust presence in the elections and signals the party’s strategy to engage with a diverse range of constituencies across Maharashtra.