A tiger, dubbed a ‘man-eater’ after killing a woman two days ago, was found dead in Kerala’s Wayanad district on Monday. During the post-mortem, officials discovered the woman’s hair, dress, and a pair of earrings in the tiger’s stomach, confirming it was the same animal responsible for the fatal attack.
The woman, identified as Radha, had been collecting coffee beans on a forest-fringed estate when the attack occurred. The tiger, a female believed to be around four to five years old, was tracked down by a wildlife team early Monday morning. It was later found motionless behind a house in the Pilakavu area, following a series of failed attempts to tranquilize it.
Post-mortem reports revealed fresh, deep wounds on the tiger’s neck, suggesting it had died from injuries sustained during a territorial fight with another tiger in the forest. Officials confirmed that the tiger responsible for Radha’s death had been injured in this fight. Additionally, items belonging to Radha were found inside the tiger’s stomach, including her hair, dress, and earrings, confirming the identity of the predator.
The woman’s death triggered widespread protests in the region, leading the state government to declare the tiger a ‘man-eater’ on Sunday. Authorities had planned to cull the animal, prompting a round-the-clock search operation by wildlife personnel, including Chief Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Arun Zachariah. Despite a near-successful tranquilization attempt in the early hours of Monday, the tiger evaded capture until it was found dead later in the day.
Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF) Northern Circle, KS Deepa, explained that while the tiger had been spotted at around 2:30 am, the tranquilization efforts were unsuccessful due to the challenging nighttime conditions. The tiger, which had possibly suffered its injuries during a territorial dispute with another big cat, was found with both fresh and old wounds on its body.
Chief Wildlife Warden Pramod G Krishnan confirmed the cause of death as the four fresh wounds found on the tiger’s neck, likely sustained during the territorial fight. An expert panel conducted the post-mortem, with police and public representatives present as per protocol.
Forest Minister AK Saseendran expressed relief over the tiger’s death, which was met with mixed reactions from the local community. While the tiger’s death brought relief to people in Pancharakolli, where the attack occurred, many local residents celebrated the end of the threat by distributing sweets. The forest minister also praised the wildlife officials for their efforts in tracking the tiger.
Despite the animal’s death, authorities have instructed the Chief Wildlife Warden and District Collector to continue the search mission in areas where the tiger’s presence is suspected. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has been briefed on the ongoing efforts. Following the attack, authorities had imposed a curfew in parts of Mananthavady Municipality.
The tiger’s death marks the end of a tense and tragic chapter for the residents of Wayanad, but efforts to monitor and manage wildlife conflicts in the area will continue.