Chandigarh: In a grand ceremony at Dusshera ground in Panchkula, Nayab Singh Saini took the oath of office as the Chief Minister of Haryana for the second time, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi present. The oath was administered by Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatraya.
The event also included the swearing-in of 11 Cabinet Ministers and two Ministers of State. Among the newly appointed Cabinet Ministers are Anil Vij, Krishan Lal Panwar, Rao Narbir Singh, Mahipal Dhanda, Vipul Goyal, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Shyam Singh Rana, Ranbir Gangwa, Krishan Kumar Bedi, Shruti Choudhry, and Arti Singh Rao. Rajesh Nagar and Gaurav Gautam were sworn in as Minister of State (Independent Charge).
The ceremony saw attendance from numerous dignitaries, including Union Ministers and Chief Ministers from BJP-ruled states. Key figures present included Defence Minister Raj Nath Singh, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah, Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari, and Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda, among others. Governors from several states, such as Punjab, Gujarat, and Himachal Pradesh, also graced the occasion.
Dr. TVSN Prasad, the Chief Secretary of Haryana, conducted the oath-taking ceremony. Saini, elected as an MLA from the Ladwa assembly constituency, previously served as Chief Minister representing Karnal. He has also been a Member of Parliament from Kurukshetra and held the position of BJP state president.
Born on January 25, 1970, in the village of Mirzapur Majra in Ambala, Saini holds degrees in BA and LLB. His political journey includes representing Nariangarh as an MLA in 2014 and serving as a Minister of State in the Haryana government.
This swearing-in marks a significant moment for Saini and his administration as they embark on another term in office, with expectations for continued development and governance in the state.