Arvind Kejriwal, the former Chief Minister of Delhi and AAP convenor, has claimed that the CBI will soon raid the house of Manish Sisodia. On Monday, Kejriwal posted on X, stating, “A few days ago, I had said that Delhi CM Atishi will be arrested, and some AAP leaders will face raids.”
He further stated, “According to reliable sources, a CBI raid will take place at Manish Sisodia’s house in the coming days. The BJP is losing the Delhi elections, and these arrests and raids are a result of their frustration.”
Kejriwal added, “So far, they (BJP) have found nothing against us, and they won’t find anything in the future either. AAP is a party of utmost integrity.”
BJP Candidate Pravesh Verma Again Distributes Money to Women:
Meanwhile, BJP candidate Pravesh Verma from the New Delhi constituency has been accused of distributing money to women during the Delhi Assembly elections. When opposition parties raised questions about this, Verma defended himself, saying, “The Delhi Assembly elections have not yet been announced.”
He further stated, “There is nothing wrong in helping anyone.” Reports suggest that Verma distributed ₹1,100 each to several women.