The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has released its first list of 29 candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. In this list, BJP has fielded several prominent former MPs to challenge top leaders from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Among the key candidates, Pravesh Verma will contest from the New Delhi seat against Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, while Ramesh Bidhuri will take on AAP’s Atishi from Kalkaji. Additionally, former Congress leader Arvinder Singh Lovely has been chosen for Gandhi Nagar, and Rajkumar Chauhan will contest from Mangolpuri.
Key Candidates and Their Seats:
Constituency | Candidate Name |
Adarsh Nagar | Raj Kumar Bhatia |
Badli | Deepak Chaudhary |
Rithala | Kulwant Rana |
Nangloi | Jat Manoj Shaukeen |
Mangolpuri (SC) | Rajkumar Chauhan |
Rohini | Vijender Gupta |
Shalimar Bagh | Rekha Gupta |
Model Town | Ashok Goyal |
Karol Bagh (SC) | Dushyant Kumar |
Patel Nagar (SC) | Rajkumar Anand |
Rajouri Garden | Sardar Manjinder Singh Sirsa |
Janakpuri | Ashish Sood |
Bijwasan | Kailash Gahlot |
New Delhi | Pravesh Verma |
Jangpura | Sardar Tarvinder Singh |
Malviya Nagar | Satish Upadhyay |
Aakpuram | Anil Sharma |
Mahrauli | Gajendra Yadav |
Chhatarpur | Kartar Singh Tanwar |
Ambedkar Nagar (SC) | Khushiram Chunaar |
Kalkaji | Ramesh Bidhuri |
Badarpur | Narayan Datt Sharma |
Patparganj | Ravindra Kumar Negi |
Vishwas Nagar | Om Prakash Sharma |
Krishna Nagar | Dr. Anil Goyal |
Gandhi Nagar | Sardar Arvinder Singh Lovely |
Seemapuri (SC) | Kumari Rinku |
Rohtas Nagar | Jitendra Mahajan |
Gonda | Ajay Mahavar |
Key Battles to Watch:
1. Kalkaji Seat: A tough contest awaits here as BJP’s Ramesh Bidhuri challenges AAP’s Atishi and Congress’s Alka Lamba. Lamba has previously switched parties, joining AAP in 2013 and later returning to Congress in 2019.
2. Gandhi Nagar: BJP’s Arvinder Singh Lovely will face AAP’s Naveen Chaudhary Deegu. Lovely replaces the sitting MLA Anil Kumar Bajpai, who won in 2020 after switching from AAP to BJP.
3. Mangolpuri: Rajkumar Chauhan will represent BJP against AAP’s Rakesh Jatav and Congress’s Hanuman Chauhan. This seat is seen as a significant battleground due to Chauhan’s strong regional influence.
4. Jangpura: Former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia will be challenged by BJP’s Tarvinder Singh Marwah and Congress’s Farhad Suri, making this an intense competition among the parties.
As the elections near, the battle between BJP, AAP, and Congress is heating up, with each party vying for dominance in Delhi’s political landscape. The final outcome will depend on how the voters respond to these high-profile candidates and their respective parties’ strategies.