The BJP on Friday reiterated its criticism of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) after Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to it as the “Aapda” (disaster) for Delhi. Senior BJP leader Rajeev Chandrasekhar accused AAP of becoming the “biggest burden and liability” on the people of Delhi, calling it a “newer version of Congress.”
Chandrasekhar emphasized that Modi’s statement, likening AAP to a disaster, was accurate. He claimed that AAP, which promised a new type of politics, had failed to deliver on its promises of corruption-free governance, simple leadership, and transparency. Instead, it had reversed all its positions, aligning with the Congress and indulging in corrupt practices.
The BJP leader criticized Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership, highlighting the contrast between Modi’s government’s achievements and AAP’s record. He pointed out that Kejriwal was forced to resign following the liquor scam and that Delhiites were deprived of benefits under the PM’s Ayushman Bharat scheme due to AAP’s failure to implement it.
Chandrasekhar urged the people of Delhi to recognize who truly served their interests, with the Modi government bringing development and investment, while AAP focused on “fake promises, corruption, and lies.” He reiterated that the contrast was clear, and Delhi residents knew the truth about their governance.