AAP released a poster labeling Amit Shah as a “Muslim for elections”: BJP launched a poster inspired by the film ‘Gunday,’ featuring Atishi, Sanjay Singh, and Raghav Chadha. Ahead of the Delhi Legislative Assembly elections, a poster war is ongoing between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In response to a poster depicting “Hindu for elections,” AAP released a “Muslim for elections” poster, showing Amit Shah wearing a cap. The poster asks, “Have you ever wondered why the BJP suddenly remembers Muslims when elections are near?”
जब दिखने लगी अपनी हार साफ-साफ तो चुनाव अधिकारियों को धमकाने लगी AAP
AAP-दा को नहीं सहेंगे, बदल के रहेंगे !! pic.twitter.com/UxzOzrfFD9
— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) January 7, 2025
In retaliation, BJP released a poster showing Sanjay Singh, Atishi, and Raghav Chadha as thugs, with the message, “When it became clear they were losing, AAP started threatening election officials.”
Voting for Delhi’s 70 Assembly seats will take place on February 5, with results announced on February 8. The current legislative term ends on February 23.