Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the Sahibabad-New Ashok Nagar section of the Namo Bharat semi-high-speed rail corridor on Sunday. This new segment is poised to improve connectivity between Delhi, Ghaziabad, and Meerut, providing a faster and more efficient commuting option for residents of the National Capital Region (NCR).
The train service, which will open to passengers on Sunday evening, represents a significant development in India’s urban transport infrastructure. It also marks the first time Namo Bharat trains will operate underground, highlighting the project’s technical advancements.
Inauguration and Public Access
The inaugural ceremony is scheduled for 11:00 AM at Sahibabad station, where Prime Minister Modi will formally flag off the train. Following the event, he is expected to take a short ride on the newly completed section, which stretches 13 kilometers and includes six kilometers of underground tracks.
The Namo Bharat service will open to the public at 5:00 PM, with trains running every 15 minutes. This expansion of the rail corridor aims to provide a faster and more reliable mode of transportation for commuters, reducing travel time and easing traffic congestion in the region.
Key Features and Connectivity
The newly inaugurated section connects Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar, passing through Anand Vihar station. With the addition of this section, Delhi and Meerut will now be directly connected via the Namo Bharat train. Passengers can travel from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South station in just 40 minutes, a significant reduction compared to existing options.
This development is expected to benefit both daily commuters and occasional travelers by offering an alternative to road and traditional rail transport, which are often slower and subject to delays.
Fare Structure
Officials have announced ticket prices for the service, with fares from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South set at ₹150 for Standard Coach passengers and ₹225 for Premium Coach travelers. This pricing reflects the service’s modern infrastructure and the comfort offered to passengers.
Expansion of the Corridor
The Namo Bharat project has been progressing steadily. In October 2023, Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the Sahibabad-Duhai Depot section, which spans 17 kilometers. Currently, the train runs between Sahibabad and Meerut South, covering 42 kilometers and nine stations.
With the addition of the Sahibabad-New Ashok Nagar section, the total operational length of the corridor will expand to 55 kilometers, encompassing 11 stations. This development underscores the government’s commitment to improving urban connectivity in one of India’s most densely populated regions.
Broader Implications
The Namo Bharat project is part of a larger initiative to enhance public transport systems across India. By introducing high-speed, efficient rail services, the project aims to address issues like road congestion, pollution, and the growing demand for reliable urban transport.
The expansion of the Namo Bharat corridor aligns with the government’s focus on sustainable infrastructure and regional development. The service is also expected to boost economic activity in towns and cities along the corridor by improving access and reducing travel times.
Looking Ahead
As the Namo Bharat train service opens its new section, it is expected to set a benchmark for similar projects across the country. The integration of underground sections, efficient scheduling, and passenger-focused facilities highlights India’s strides in modernizing its transportation network.
This development reflects a broader vision for enhanced connectivity and urban mobility, catering to the needs of millions of commuters in Delhi-NCR and beyond.