New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday slammed the suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, observing that she owes an apology to the entire country for her derogatory remarks on Prophet Mohammed that have threatened the security of the nation. The apex court bench headed by Justices Surya Kant and JB Pardiwala also remarked that the way Nupur Sharma has ignited emotions across the country, she is “single-handedly responsible for what is happening in the country” and that her outburst on television is responsible for the unfortunate murder of Kanhaiya Lal, a tailor from Udaipur.
Further emphasizing that Sharma and her ‘loose tongue has set the entire nation on fire’, the court asked, “What is the business of the TV channel and Nupur Sharma to discuss a matter that is sub-judice, except to promote an agenda?” When senior advocate Maninder Singh, appearing for Nupur Sharma, told the apex court that Sharma had already apologized for her remarks and withdrawn her comments, the SC observed, “She should have gone to the TV and apologized to the nation. She was too late to apologize. Even when she withdrew her statement, she did so conditionally, saying if sentiments were hurt by her comments.”
Sharma on Friday had moved the Supreme Court seeking the transfer of all the FIRs registered against her across several states over her controversial remark, to Delhi for investigation. Sharma also added that she is constantly facing life threats. To this, Justice Surya Kant rebuked saying, “Is she facing threats, or has she become a security threat herself?”
The Supreme Court also questioned the double standards of the Delhi Police. The court inquired about the actions taken by the Delhi Police on Nupur Sharma after multiple FIRs were registered against her. The top court asked Nupur Sharma to approach the respective High Courts in the states and be responsible for her statements henceforth. The court also refused to grant relief to her or to transfer all FIRs registered against her to Delhi.
The former BJP national spokesperson had made a controversial statement on Prophet Muhammad in a television interview that sparked a huge row across the country and also resulted in protests that turned violent. It was only after some Arab nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar took offence against it that the BJP top leadership chose to dismiss Nupur Sharma’s views as those from ‘fringe’ elements and not from the BJP. Multiple FIRs were registered across various police stations in different states against Nupur Sharma for her provocative comments but she failed to appear before any of them.