Mumbai: Maharashtra Minister Aaditya Thackeray on Tuesday said that the Union Budget 2022-23 looks more like a manifesto wherein most of them are announcements only.
Slamming the Centre, Thackeray told the reporters, “This budget looks more like a manifesto. In this budget, mostly announcements are made and it will be important to see the outcome.” The Maharashtra Environment Minister said that many cities are announced to be built as smart cities but no timeline has been given.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled Union Budget 2022-23 on Tuesday.
The 2022 Budget Session of the Parliament commenced on January 31 with President Ram Nath Kovind’s address. The first part of the budget session is being held from January 31 to February 11 and the second part will take place from March 14 to April 8. (ANI)