In a devastating incident, approximately 100 civilians, including women and children, have lost their lives in a massacre in the village of Zaongo, situated in the north-central region of Burkina Faso, as reported by the European Union’s diplomatic service on Monday.
Zaongo, located about 60 kilometers from the city of Boulsa, became the scene of a horrifying event, yet the perpetrators of this atrocity remain unknown at this stage. Prosecutor Simon Gnanou, in a news release, stated, “At the current stage of our findings and the testimonies collected, the perpetrators of these atrocities remain unknown for the moment.”
The West African nation of Burkina Faso is currently under military rule following a successful coup d’etat in July 2022. Despite the junta’s efforts to prioritize security, Islamist groups continue to unleash violence, resulting in multiple civilian casualties throughout the year.
Burkina Faso, a focal point of escalating violence in the vast Sahel region, is grappling with Islamist groups linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Amnesty International has reported that large parts of the impoverished nation are “under siege by armed groups” committing war crimes and human rights abuses.
The U.S. government, along with the European Union, has condemned the recent attack, urging the transitional authorities to investigate and reveal the circumstances surrounding the massacre. Both entities are determined to identify those responsible for this heinous act.
This tragic event follows previous incidents, including one in April that saw at least 44 fatalities in separate villages, which the junta authorities attributed to Islamist terrorists. In a similar onslaught later that month, 136 more people lost their lives in a village in the same region by armed men donned in military uniforms. Authorities condemned the attack, launching investigations into both incidents.
The EU, in its statement condemning this latest attack, expressed full solidarity with the people of Burkina Faso, recognizing them as the primary victims of the escalating security situation in the country. As the international community grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, the urgency to address the root causes and prevent further loss of innocent lives remains paramount.