Mumbai: Torrential rains are occurring in many districts of Maharashtra. Meanwhile, four people were injured when a landslide hit Rajwali Waghral Pada in Vasai in Palghar district early on Wednesday. It is said that a part of the hill fell on a house. Six people were buried in this accident. Until the time of writing, four people had been safely evacuated by fire department personnel. All four have been admitted to the hospital. Efforts are on to rescue two people as well. This information was given by Palghar District Magistrate Manik Gursal.
District Magistrate Gursal says that the rescue operation is going on. As soon as the information about the accident was received, the Vasai Police team, employees of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation, and fire brigade personnel reached the spot. It has been said that a part of the hill here has also fallen on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad National Highway. This has blocked the highway.