Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian on Thursday launched the National Deworming Day programme in Mayiladuthurai district in the state aimed to cover about 2.15 crore children.Also, he inaugurated an MRI scan facility at the Mayiladuthurai Government Headquarters hospital on the occasion.
The bi-annual deworming programme launched this month will cover 2.15 crore children in the 1 to 19 years age group, and they will be administered Albendazole tablets by the teachers and Anganwadi workers, the minister said while speaking after launching the programme at the Kittappa Higher Secondary School, Mayiladuthurai.
Out-of-school children and adolescents will also be covered. In addition, about 54.67 lakh women in 20-30 years would also be given the tablets, a release quoting the minister said.Camps will be held on August 24 to reach out to the targeted beneficiaries.
“A total of 1.30 lakh volunteers including teacher, Anganwadi workers and health workers have been involved in this state-wide programme,” Subramanian said.The exercise was held in February last. The Minister said the MRI scan installed at a cost of Rs 7.18 crore fulfilled the requirement of the people in the district. It would also meet the medical requirement of those from the neighbouring districts, as the facility is free, he added.