Supreme Court Orders States to Stop Stubble Burning Immediately to Improve Delhi’s Air Quality

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
1 Min Read

The Supreme Court of India on Tuesday directed the Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan governments to stop stubble burning immediately in order to improve the deteriorating air quality in Delhi and the surrounding region.

The court also held the local State House Officer (SHO) responsible for implementing the court’s direction on stubble burning under the supervision of DGPs and the Chief Secretary.

The court also asked the Delhi Government to ensure that municipal solid waste is not burnt in the city in the open.

The court also directed the central government to provide subsidies to farmers to help them manage stubble without burning it.

The court also suggested that the central government phase out paddy cultivation in the region and provide Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for other crops.

The court will hear the matter again on Friday.

This is a welcome move by the Supreme Court, and it is hoped that the state governments and the central government will take the necessary steps to implement the court’s order effectively.

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