Study finds potassium-rich diets can help lower blood pressure

The Political Observer Staff

Women who eat bananas, avocados and salmon could reduce the negative effects of salt in their diet, according to a study.

According to a study, published in European Heart Journal, eating more potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and salmon could protect older women against a heart attack or stroke. Specifically, researchers say potassium is an essential mineral that lowers blood pressure, especially among people who consume too much salt. A potassium-rich diet can also combat cardiovascular disease, the world’s biggest killer.

“It is well known that high salt consumption is associated with elevated blood pressure and a raised risk of heart attacks and strokes,” says Lead author Professor Liffert Vogt from Amsterdam University Medical Centers in a media release. “Health advice has focused on limiting salt intake but this is difficult to achieve when our diets include processed foods. Potassium helps the body excrete more sodium in the urine. In our study, dietary potassium was linked with the greatest health gains in women.”

The findings are based on a study of nearly 25,000 men and women between 40 and 79 in the United Kingdom, tracked by researchers for roughly two decades. As daily potassium intake increased, blood pressure went down in women with high salt intake.

Every additional gram of potassium displayed a connection to a 2.4-mm/Hg drop in systolic blood pressure — the force at which the heart beats and the top number in a blood pressure reading. Potassium is also present in other fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, milk, fish, beef, chicken, turkey and bread. There was no association with blood pressure among men.

“Our findings indicate that a heart healthy diet goes beyond limiting salt to boosting potassium content. Food companies can help by swapping standard sodium-based salt for a potassium salt alternative in processed foods. On top of that, we should all prioritize fresh, unprocessed foods since they are both rich in potassium and low in salt,” the study author continues.

During the study, 13,596 participants (55%) were hospitalized or died due to cardiovascular disease. The Dutch team also took into account age, sex, BMI (body mass index), sodium intake, use of cholesterol lowering drugs, smoking, alcohol intake, diabetes, and prior heart attack or stroke.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends adults consume at least 3.5 grams of potassium a day and no more than a teaspoon, less than five grams, of salt. They advise eating lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, dairy products, and fish. A four-ounce banana has 375 mg of potassium, while five ounces of cooked salmon has 780 mg. A 136-gram potato has 500 mg and half a pint of milk contains 375 mg of the key nutrient.

The amount of salt in the diet did not influence the relationship between potassium and cardiovascular events in men or women. “The results suggest that potassium helps preserve heart health, but that women benefit more than men. The relationship between potassium and cardiovascular events was the same regardless of salt intake, suggesting that potassium has other ways of protecting the heart on top of increasing sodium excretion,” Vogt said.

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