Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot inaugurated the Rajasthan International Expo at Boranada in Jodhpur. On this occasion, the Chief Minister honoured 20 exporters who have bagged Rajasthan Export Award-2021 for remarkable work in the field of exports. During the expo, the Chief Minister said that due to the excellent industrial policies and programs of the state government, export and investment have increased in Rajasthan. The export of 50 thousand crore rupees done in the year 2022-23 is the result of the efficient management of the state government. Along with this, the Chief Minister said that the MSME policy has been implemented by the government in the state. Due to this, more than 16 thousand industrial units have been established in the state so far. Under the MSME Establishment and Facilitation Act, no government permission is required for 5 years to start an industry in the state. This provision made by the government has increased the number of small units. The Chief Minister visited various stalls in the expo, took information about the displayed products and encouraged the entrepreneurs,