Punjab Police has launched a massive crackdown against Khalistani sympathiser Amritpal Singh. The manhunt to nab fugitive Amritpal Singh entered day 9 on March 27. Now, scores of people gathered at Golden Temple in support pro-Khalistani sympathizer. “Amritpal Singh Zindabad” slogans were raised inside the premises of Golden Temple. Notably, Punjab Police issued a lookout circular, non-bailable warrant against Amritpal Singh. National Security Act has been invoked against him and declared fugitive by the Punjab Police. Meanwhile, pro-Khalistani supporters attacked Indian embassies, consulates in foreign countries.Earlier, in a disgraceful act, the protesters attempted to take down Indian Flag in the UK High Commission. However, the Tricolour was rescued by Indian security personnel at High Commission in London. Indian High Commission placed a bigger Tricolour after vandalism by Amritpal supporters.