Hyderabad: Permission for a dance festival to be attended by renowned dancer Mallika Sarabhai at the Ramappa temple near Warangal in Telangana had been denied by Union Culture Minister G Kishen Reddy, a Kakatiya Heritage Trust official alleged on Saturday.
BV Papa Rao, a founder trustee of the trust, said though the event organized by it was held on Saturday, it was at a different venue in Warangal town.
No reaction from Union Minister Reddy was immediately available. The famed Ramappa temple is a UNESCO heritage site and the trust had applied to the Archeological Survey of India for permission about two months ago for celebrating the “Ramappa festival” at the temple, Rao claimed.
Speaking to PTI, he alleged that “Reddy refused to give permission to the event if Sarabhai participated”.
In Warangal, Sarabhai said it is unfortunate that the incident happened because of her “personal political opposition to Hindutva”.