MP: Action on 113 vehicles under zero tolerance campaign against those driving in the wrong direction

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
3 Min Read
Madhya Pradesh: On the instructions of DCP, traffic management, action on vehicles under zero tolerance campaign, challans were made for so many vehicles violating traffic rules.

Bhopal:  Despite the tightening of rules across the state, the habit of the people is not improving. Often violation of red light by the drivers, driving in the wrong direction, depressing the passengers on the middle of the road and driving the vehicle in a reckless/dangerous manner, the lives of the general public are put in danger. Now effective action is being taken against such vehicles by running zero tolerance campaign.

113 action on vehicles under tolerance campaign

Many challans were made for violation of traffic rules. An effective zero tolerance campaign was launched against irresponsible drivers. Action has been taken on 113 vehicles under the Zero Tolerance campaign against those driving in the wrong direction.

• Action on vehicles under zero tolerance campaign on the instructions of DCP, traffic management

• Challans for 870 vehicles violating traffic rules

• 199 drivers made digital payment through debit/credit cards in POS machines

Strict action against vehicles running against rules

Let us tell you, under the Zero Tolerance campaign, strict action is going on against the vehicles running against the rules. Action will be taken against any person who goes against the rules, whether it is the police, journalists or public representatives, check the documents of your vehicles before leaving the house. Get out of the house only by wearing a helmet on two wheelers.

Let us tell that, those traveling on the road should be aware of the traffic rules, so today we have brought this news for you, if you violate the traffic rules, then action will be taken under the Zero Tolerance campaign. Therefore, while traveling with a vehicle on the road, follow the traffic rules, following the traffic rules ensures the safety of everyone.

“Our Goal :- Easy, Safe, Pleasant Traffic”

Talking on a mobile phone while driving increases the chances of most accidents. In view of this, the police has decided to launch a campaign against such drivers. Action will be taken against 151 and 2229 in 5 months under zero tolerance for “driving vehicle while talking on mobile”.

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