A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court following the tragic stampede at the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, which resulted in 30 deaths and over 60 injuries. The plea, submitted by advocate Vishal Tiwari, seeks collective safety measures from all states to ensure the secure visit of devotees at the Maha Kumbh.
The petition requests that all states establish facilitation centers at Prayagraj, providing essential safety guidelines and emergency assistance information in multiple languages for the convenience of visitors. It further calls for clear directional signage and display boards to help devotees navigate the area and receive timely aid during emergencies.
In response to the stampede, the plea urges the Uttar Pradesh government to deploy a small medical team with doctors and nurses at the Maha Kumbh to address medical emergencies efficiently.
The petitioner also demands that the Uttar Pradesh government submit a status report on the January 29, 2025, stampede and take legal action against the responsible authorities and officials for their negligence in ensuring safety.