How To Reduce Your Personal Loan EMI Burden

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
4 Min Read

Many various types of borrowers utilize personal loans, which are very well-liked, to finance things like house improvements, trips, car purchases, jewelry, weddings, and other significant, one-time expenses.

Applying for a personal loan, a kind of loan that doesn’t require collateral or security can meet short-term financial demands. Personal loans are an excellent alternative for both salaried and self-employed borrowers and are easily accessible from banks, NBFCs, and other financial organizations. Personal loans frequently have higher interest rates than other loan types. As a result, personal loan monthly payments are frequently more expensive. How much of your EMI debt is still owed to you?

Many various types of borrowers utilise personal loans, which are very well-liked, to finance things like house improvements, trips, car purchases, jewellery, weddings, and other significant, one-time expenses. Furthermore, some borrowers use personal loans to bridge the financial gap while making significant purchases like homes, covering their own expenses, making significant home upgrades, etc.

Pramod Kathuria, the founder and CEO of Easiloan, claims that the principal sum, period, and interest rate of the loan all affect the EMI. By considering a few important aspects, the monthly payments (EMIs) on a personal loan can be arranged carefully and even decreased. For instance, think about:

Personal loans often have interest rates that are substantially higher than those of other lenders. Therefore, it is essential to consider important elements in order to carefully plan the EMIs or to lower the EMIs on existing personal loans.

Take out a loan from the appropriate kind of lender. Customers wishing to finance a home purchase or renovation through a new mortgage or as a way to add to an existing loan have a variety of alternatives, including house loans, home improvement loans, and interior design loans. These loans have lower monthly payments (EMIs) because they have lower interest rates (ROIs) and longer terms.

Personal loans typically have higher interest rates, so it’s best to look into auto loans for buying a car, whether brand new or used. With a longer loan term, you could pay less each month for your car payment. To entice customers further, financial institutions frequently collaborate with auto dealers on enticing schemes that lower borrowers’ monthly EMI payments or provide discounts.

Refinancing to a new lender with a lower interest rate and a longer repayment period can help customers lower their monthly instalment payments.

– In the event that the loan amount is prepaid in full or in part, the monthly payments can be lowered while the loan term remains the same or the loan term can be shortened.

The inclusion of a Co-Applicant in a loan application increases the likelihood of a favourable loan term and loan amount being offered to the borrower.


The CEO of Easiloan once said that it’s always wise to choose the most appropriate loan option. Think carefully about your financial situation, and borrow only the amount necessary to cover your monthly bills and other obligations without resorting to high-interest credit. Consistently paying the monthly instalment (EMI) and bringing down the principal of a high-interest loan.

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