India gears up to host the prestigious G20 Summit in New Delhi, showcasing its rising power on the global stage. The city is undergoing a massive transformation, with bright murals adorning walls, freshly paved roads, and illuminated monuments and fountains. However, amidst the grandeur, concerns have been raised about the displacement of low-income workers and the sanitization of poverty in the city.
An Opportunity to Shine
India’s G20 presidency has provided an opportunity for the country to enhance its global stature. Delhi, with its population of over 20 million, has been chosen as the venue to host the summit. The city is undergoing a remarkable makeover, aiming to present the “best face of India” to the world.
The summit will take place at the newly revamped convention and exhibition center, Bharat Mandapam, located in the heart of New Delhi. To create a welcoming atmosphere, thousands of potted plants and flowers have been placed along the sidewalks, adding a touch of natural beauty to the surroundings.
Controversy Surrounding Beautification
While the beautification drive has garnered attention and admiration, it has not been without controversy. Several demolition drives in recent months have resulted in the bulldozing of shanties, displacing hundreds of low-income workers. Authorities claim that these demolitions were unrelated to the G20 summit and targeted “illegal encroachers.” However, rights activists argue that these tenements had been in existence for decades, and the demolitions were an attempt to conceal the poverty that still persists in the city.
Prominent rights activist Harsh Mander expressed his concerns, stating, “It is a sanitized version of the city that is being projected. These shanties are a reminder of the fact that in the midst of India’s economic growth, huge levels of poverty persist.”
Security Measures and Disruptions
To ensure the safety of the delegates, New Delhi will be transformed into a virtual fortress. Tens of thousands of police, paramilitary forces, and commandos will be deployed throughout the city. Anti-drone systems will be in place to deter any aerial threats. The heightened security measures will undoubtedly disrupt the daily lives of the city’s residents.
Traffic restrictions will be stringent, making the usually crowded streets of Delhi silent and out of bounds for most citizens. Major markets, schools, and colleges in the vicinity of the convention center will be closed during the summit. Many residents have chosen to leave the city, seeking respite from the restrictions imposed.
Accommodation for Global Leaders
Presidents and prime ministers from around the world will be accommodated in top-notch hotels in Delhi. The city has made special arrangements to ensure the comfort and security of the esteemed guests. These hotels will serve as the base for important discussions and interactions during the summit.
Attendees and Guest List
The G20 Summit in Delhi will witness the participation of prominent leaders from various nations. Among the notable attendees are U.S. President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. These leaders, along with their delegations, will engage in meaningful discussions on critical global issues.
Furthermore, the summit will also welcome around 500 influential business figures, including N Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Tata Sons, billionaire Kumar Mangalam Birla, and Sunil Mittal, founder-chairman of Bharti Airtel. The presence of these business leaders highlights the importance of economic cooperation and investment opportunities in India.
Food and Hospitality
India, known for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, is leaving no stone unturned in providing a memorable culinary experience for the delegates. The summit will showcase the richness of Indian gastronomy, with a special focus on millets, a grain that India has been actively promoting. Delegates will have the opportunity to savor a variety of Indian delicacies, highlighting the country’s vibrant food culture.
Challenges and Opportunities
The G20 Summit in Delhi presents both challenges and opportunities for India. As the country strives to project itself as a rising power, it must address concerns about the displacement of vulnerable communities and the sanitization of poverty. Balancing the grandeur of the summit with the realities of the city’s socio-economic landscape is crucial for creating a more inclusive and equitable India.
The summit also offers an opportunity for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to boost his domestic standing ahead of next year’s general elections. The grand showcasing of the G20 summit projects India’s image as a major player on the international stage, resonating positively with the country’s middle class and urban population.
As India prepares to host the G20 Summit in New Delhi, the city undergoes a remarkable transformation. The beautification drive, while visually stunning, raises concerns about the displacement of low-income workers and the sanitization of poverty. The summit presents an opportunity for India to enhance its global stature and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to strengthen his domestic standing. Balancing the grandeur of the event with inclusivity and addressing socio-economic challenges will be crucial for a successful summit that truly reflects the realities of India.