The All India Progressive Muslim Welfare Committee on Tuesday filed a complaint in Ambernath Police Station for registration of FIR against suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma over her controversial religious remarks. Sharma’s comments, made during a TV debate nearly 10 days ago, and Jindal’s now-deleted tweets sparked a Twitter trend calling for a boycott of Indian products in some countries.
The committee has filed complaint against the suspended BJP spokesperson under sections 153A, 153B, 295(A).
The fresh complaint comes after the Maharashtra Police today asked Sharma to to appear before them on June 22 to record her statement in the case.
Sharma has been summoned by the Mumbra police to record her statement before the investigating officer on June 22, a Thane police official told PTI. The police have sent the summons to Sharma by email as well as speed post, mentioning details of the FIR registered against her, he said.