The Delhi High court has directed a Badri Bhagat Jhandewalan Mandir society to remove a glass door installed at the Kali Mata Mandir managed by it. The high court expressed its displeasure over the not opening of the gates despite the court order and society’s submissions.
Justice Prathiba M Singh on Tuesday directed the society to remove the glass door blocking access of the devotees at Kali Mata Mandir at Jhandewalan.
While directing the immediate removal of the glass door, the bench asked, “Have you seen people do ‘aarti’ from behind a glass door?”
The bench said, “Such a practice was unheard of and unusual and also defeats the whole purpose of the mandir.”
The March 18 notification issued by the the society was challenged before the High Court.
The notice said, “The opening timings of Kali Mata Mandir from Navratri will be 6 to 7.30 am in the morning and 6 to 7 pm in the evening.
During the hearing on March 24, it was submitted by the society that it will revoke the said notice.
In view of the submissions, the high court disposed of the plea and directed that access shall be given to the devotees in Navratri as was given before March 18.
On Tuesday, the devotees again approaches the court and informed that despite the submission and court order, the gates of Kali Mata Mandir are still closed.
Considering the submissions and facts of the matter, the high court appointed a local Commissioner to inspect the mandir and to check whether its order has been complied with or not.
The Local Commissioner after an inspection of mandir filed a report on March 28.
The report said, “The gates of the mandir are closed and fresh notice has also been pasted.”
Considering the report, the high court had issued notice to the persons under whose direction the order of March 24 was violated.
The high court had asked why not contempt action should be taken against these persons.
During the hearing on March 28, the bench noted that the overnight installation of glass door was installed at the direction of Ravindra Goyal, additional manager of the society.
Goyal appeared before the court and tendered an unconditional apology for the violation of the court order.
The court said, “The installation of the glass door was against the letter and spirit of the March 24 order which said that there would be no impediment to the access to the mandir.”
The high court said, “Any further instructions will be viewed serious by the court.”
It directed to remove the glass door immediately.
Delhi HC directs society to remove glass door installed at Kali Mata Mandir
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