Ladakh: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who arrived on a two-day visit to eastern Ladakh, on Friday dedicated 75 development projects to the nation, including a bridge over the Shyok river. All these infrastructure projects in the border areas of China and Pakistan have been prepared by the Border Roads Organization (BRO). He said that the BRO has given new life to the area by constructing a bridge over the Shyok river under extremely difficult conditions.
The Defence Minister also inaugurated seven bridges built in the Udhampur-Doda parliamentary constituency of Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. In this program, Dr. Jitendra Singh joined Delhi through video conferencing. Satwari-Mandwal-Makwal road was also inaugurated in the parliamentary constituency of Jammu-Poonch MP Jugal Kishore. During a conversation with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on this occasion, Dr. Jitendra Singh and Jugal Kishore Sharma said that these projects of BRO will give impetus to development in remote areas. Along with this, the economy of these remote areas will also be better.
The Defence Minister appreciated the efforts of the BRO to strengthen the infrastructure along the border of China and Pakistan. In conversation with the Chief Minister and MPs, he hoped that with the cooperation of the local media, everyone should be informed about the benefits to the people from these projects. The Defence Minister said that the development of frontier areas is the priority of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Chief Ministers and MPs should give information about the development needs in remote areas of their states, which will be fulfilled.
The Defence Minister said that by building roads, tunnels and other infrastructure in remote areas, BRO is playing its vital role in the progress of the nation. The achievements of BRO in the last six-seven years are unprecedented in themselves. BRO’s projects are spread from Rajasthan to Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. The 75 infrastructure projects that were inaugurated today will provide huge facilities for military and civilian transportation to the remote areas of the West, North and North East.
During his two-day visit, the Defence Minister will visit the forward areas of Ladakh to take stock of the preparedness to meet the security challenges. He will meet the soldiers in the forward areas of Eastern Ladakh adjoining China and will get information about the winter management strategy of the army to face the winter.