Continuous monitoring of the monkeypox situation; avoid panic Govt

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
2 Min Read

New Delhi: In an official statement after the fifth case of Monkeypox was reported in the national capital, the Delhi Government has said that the Monkeypox situation is being monitored continuously and there is no need to panic. “As of now, five confirmed cases of Monkeypox have been reported in Delhi; one has recovered and been discharged,” the Delhi govt said in a statement. “The Monkeypox situation is being continuously monitored in Delhi. There is no need to panic,” the statement added.

he statement added. In the context of preparedness and measures taken by the govt, three govt and three private hospitals with isolation rooms have been fully prepared. The maximum number of rooms is reserved in Lok Nayak Hospital. The suspected cases are to be referred and isolated in six hospitals for treatment. “Guidelines for the management of monkeypox (on disease transmission, surveillance and case definitions; diagnosis and case management; infection prevention and control; and personal protective equipment) have been shared with all Govt/ Pvt hospitals,” stated the govt of Delhi.

“District Surveillance Units (DSUs) are in place for surveillance including contact tracing and follow up, and have been sensitized as per the Govt. of India guidelines,” it further explained. “The training has been provided to all designated hospitals on Monkeypox and reviews meetings on preparedness for monkeypox have been held at various levels under the chairmanships of higher authorities,” the statement read.

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