Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a scathing criticism against the Congress party, alleging their manifesto includes provisions to legalize beef consumption if they come into power. Adityanath, addressing a press conference in Lucknow, accused the opposition of endorsing beef consumption and criticized Congress for allegedly aiming to grant exemptions to Muslims in this regard, which he deemed unacceptable to the Hindu community. This accusation follows Adityanath’s earlier claim in an election rally where he asserted the Congress party’s intent to grant minorities the right to consume beef. The backdrop of this accusation is Uttar Pradesh’s already stringent laws against cattle slaughter, including provisions for severe imprisonment and fines. The Uttar Pradesh Cow Slaughter Prevention (Amendment) Act 2020, introduced by the state government, has intensified regulations surrounding cow slaughter, doubling punishments for repeat offenders and mandating minimum sentences and fines. The legislation also holds accountable those involved in transporting cows or their meat, with non-bailable offences. The enactment of this law in Uttar Pradesh stemmed from the need for more effective implementation in line with public sentiment, despite several amendments to previous laws.