New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raided the residence of Agrasen Gehlot, brother of Rajasthan Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Ashok Gehlot, in connection with a corruption case. Officials gave this information on Friday. He said that raids are being conducted at other places also. The raids were conducted after a fresh corruption case was registered by the central probe agency.
The Congress on Friday hit out at the Narendra Modi-led central government over the CBI raid on Agrasen Gehlot’s residence, alleging it was a politics of vendetta. Party general secretary Jairam Ramesh also claimed that Chief Minister Gehlot had played a leading role in the protests in Delhi over the Enforcement Directorate (ED) questioning of Rahul Gandhi, due to which the government has taken this step of raids.
He tweeted, this is complete politics of vendetta. Ashok Gehlot was in the front line in both the protests in Delhi and this shameless reaction of the Modi government has come regarding this.
We will not be silent, Ramesh insisted. It is noteworthy that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raided the residence of senior Congress leader Ashok Gehlot’s brother Agrasen Gehlot in connection with a corruption case.