Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday said that he has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to pass a law in Parliament regarding social security across the country.
“Rajasthan is doing all-round development. We have set a record in the field of education. Rajasthan ranks first in the field of health. Social security is our chief goal under which we are giving pensions to the people. We have requested the Prime Minister to pass a law in Parliament regarding social security across the country,” Gehlot said after inaugurating various works of PWD. He inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of various works of Public Work Department through video conferencing in Jaipur.
Earlier in the last week of May, while mentioning various schemes launched by his government for the vulnerable sections, he asked the Central government to make a law related to social security and implement it throughout the country.
The Chief Minister said that the “social security” act has been implemented for the vulnerable sections in many countries of the world.
“In Rajasthan also we are giving social security pension to around 1 crore people and this time in the budget we have increased it to Rs 1000 per month,” he said.
Ashok Gehlot, the chief minister of Rajasthan, urges PM Modi to enact social security legislation
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