Army Cds to revisit security roadmap

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
4 Min Read

New Delhi: After the Navy, now the Army Commanders will gather in New Delhi from Monday to discuss the security challenges of the nation. During the conference, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will address the military commanders on November 10, and will interact with them.

The top leadership of the Army will brainstorm on the current emerging security and administrative challenges and chart the future for the Indian Army.

This conference of military commanders is the apex-level biennial institutional forum, where important policy decisions for the Indian Army are taken after consultations at the ideological level. This is the second edition of the Military Commanders’ Conference this year, which will last till November 11. The first edition took place in New Delhi from April 18-22. The event will be attended by senior officers of the Indian Army including the Chief of the Army Staff, the Vice Chief of the Army Staff, all Army Commanders and other senior officers. It is a formal forum for the senior leadership of the Indian Army to interact with senior officials from the Department of Military Affairs and the Department of Defence.

The conference will see an in-depth discussion on various agenda points to be tabled by the Army Commanders, including a briefing by the Commander-in-Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command (CINCAN) and various key high officials. Apart from this, subject experts will interact with military commanders on contemporary India-China relations as well as technological challenges to national security. The Chiefs of Defence Staff, Indian Navy and the Chiefs of the Indian Air Force will also address the senior leadership of the Army on promoting synergy between the three wings of the forces.

The senior leadership of the Indian Army will review the operational situation along the active borders during the conference. Capacity analysis to focus on operational preparedness plans throughout the conflict zone is also to be done at the same conference. Discussions are also scheduled on aspects related to infrastructure development in the border areas, modernisation through indigenisation, induction of advanced technology, assessment on any impact of the Russia-Ukraine War. The senior commanders will deliberate on various agenda points of the field commands besides proposals related to improvement in operations of the Indian Army, financial management, introduction of e-vehicles and digitisation.

During this conference, the top leadership of the Indian Army will brainstorm on current, emerging security and administrative aspects to chart the future for the Indian Army. In the conference, issues related to the future vision of the army, capacity development, progress on modernisation, framework for military operations, change for self-reliance, future challenges for military training are to be discussed in the conference. Various aspects related to operational and administrative issues including studies related to logistics and human resources will be discussed in the conference. The top leadership of the Army will brainstorm on the current emerging security and administrative challenges and chart the future for the Indian Army.

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