Hyderabad: BJP leader Khushbu Sundar, formerly an actor and now a politician, took to the streets of Hyderabad alongside G Kishan Reddy, the state party chief and NDA candidate for the Secunderabad Lok Sabha seat. Their joint roadshow and public rally in Jubilee Hills garnered attention as Sundar expressed confidence in the BJP’s prospects, foreseeing a victory in “most seats” across the country. Secunderabad, traditionally a Congress stronghold, is among Telangana’s 17 Lok Sabha constituencies, with voting slated for May 13 in the fourth phase. Incumbent MP Kishan Reddy faces contenders from Congress and Bharat Rashtra Samithi in the upcoming elections, seeking to replicate his 2019 victory where he secured 60.87% of the total votes. In the previous parliamentary elections, TRS won 9 seats in Telangana, while BJP and INC secured 4 and 3 seats respectively, with AIMIM winning 1 seat.