Meerut: In Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, nine persons have been booked with allegedly pushing 400 people to convert to Christianity. The victims reported to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) about being persuaded to convert to Christianity. The event occurred in the Mangat Puram village of Malin. The victim claimed in the police complaint that they were forced to remove the idols and deities of Hindu gods and goddesses. According to the FIR, the accused got into touch with the victims during the Covid-19-induced epidemic.
The victims arrived to Brahmaputri police station with a BJP leader on Friday, claiming that the accused enticed them with money and food in exchange for religious conversion.
According to them, these individuals are now pressing the locals to remove Hindu deity icons, sculptures, and pictures and adopt Christianity. According to the complainants, We were forced to convert to Christianity and had our names changed on our Aadhaar cards. When we were worshipping on Diwali, the accused barged into our homes and vandalised the deity statues. They asked why you were doing this after you had committed to Christianity. When we objected, they threatened us with death .
The accused are Chhabili alias Shiva, Binwa, Anil, Sardar, Nikku, Basant, Prema, Titli, and Rani, according to the FIR. SP Piyush Singh stated that Some persons came into our office on Friday and handed over an application. It is claimed that individuals of other religions desire to forcibly change the Malin village residents’ religions. The instructions have been given to file a FIR against the accused. The situation will be looked into, and necessary action will be taken .