9 member task force constituted for Cheetah health monitoring from Namibia

The Political Observer Staff By The Political Observer Staff
2 Min Read

New Delhi: The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has constituted a task force to monitor the health of 8 cheetahs released in the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) will facilitate the functioning of the Cheetah Task Force and provide all necessary assistance. The task force will be applicable for a period of two years.

Eight cheetahs from Namibia have been brought to the Kuna National Park after 75 years of their extinction in the country. This will help in preventing the degradation of biodiversity. According to the Environment Ministry, this task force will review the health status of cheetahs, progress, monitor, follow protocol and advise the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department on cheetah introduction in India. Along with this, Kuno will monitor the hunting skills and adaptation of the released cheetahs in the national park. Along with this, opening the habitat of cheetahs for eco-tourism will suggest rules in this regard. Provide suggestions and advice on the development of tourism infrastructure in the marginal areas of the Kuno National Park and other protected areas.

The members of this task force include the Principal Secretary (Forests), Principal Secretary (Tourism), Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief of Forest Force, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Retired Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Alok Kumar, Dr. Amit Malik, Inspector General, NTCA, New Delhi; Dr. Vishnu Priya, Scientist, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun; Abhilash Khandekar, Member MP SBWL, Bhopal Subhoranjan Sen, APCCF- Wildlife – Member Convener.

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