Shah Rukh Khan, a beloved superstar across generations, recently shared heartfelt reflections about his late mother during a podcast appearance. He expressed a deep sense of connection to her, believing she watches over him and his films from above.
In the “Locarno Meets” podcast, Shah Rukh recalled how he lost his parents, Meer Taj Mohammed Khan and Lateef Fatima, before he embarked on his film career. “For some reason, I always felt I’d make big films so that my mom and dad could see them from heaven. I still think my mom’s a star, and it works. I even have a sense of the star she is,” he said.
The conversation took place in August while he was in Switzerland to receive the Pardo alla Carriera award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival, marking him as the first Indian film personality to earn this honor. He shared that his mother’s admiration for Dilip Kumar influenced his decision to star in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Devdas,” a film he felt she would truly appreciate. “In spite of senior actors advising me against it, I wanted to do it for her. It was my way of saying, ‘Hey mom, I did Devdas,'” he added.
Reflecting on the role, Shah Rukh mentioned that although he typically avoids alcohol, he started drinking after portraying the character of Devdas. “I didn’t want the audience to hate him or see him merely as an alcoholic; I wanted him to be complex and relatable,” he explained.
At 58, Shah Rukh humorously noted that he has to rein in his sense of humor due to changing societal sensitivities. “My team always advises me to control myself because not everyone understands my humor,” he said, highlighting the delicate balance of comedy in today’s environment.
He described his experience with comedy films, mentioning the success of “Chennai Express” as a significant learning moment. “People laughed at the jokes, and I felt relieved. I haven’t jumped into another comedy since; I’m waiting for the right opportunity,” he revealed.
Shah Rukh also recounted an interesting conversation with German fans who told him, “You are the button for making us cry.” This sentiment reflects his understanding of the emotional connection he has with audiences.
With over 35 years in the industry, Shah Rukh feels grateful for the choices he has been given. He humorously shared his desire to explore genres like horror, while also keeping comedy as a backup. “Every six to eight months, I wake up wanting to do a horror film. If that doesn’t materialize, I’ll consider comedy,” he said.
Looking ahead, Shah Rukh is set to star in the upcoming film “King,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh.