BT Bureau, Panaji: The 54th edition of the renowned International Film Festival of India (IFFI) is poised to launch its cinematic celebration in Goa on November 20, marking two decades of the festival’s presence in the coastal state. The grand inauguration at the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium will be conducted by Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Anurag Singh Thakur. The opening film, ‘Catching Dust,’ will set the stage, telling the compelling story of a wife attempting to break free from her criminal husband, only to face unexpected challenges.
Festival Director Prithul Kumar shared the exciting news that IFFI 2023 experienced a significant surge in international film submissions, tripling the numbers from the previous year. Emphasizing debut directors and promoting women filmmakers, the festival’s International Competition Section will showcase 15 films, featuring a total of 198 international films, including 13 world premieres, 18 international premieres, 62 Asian premieres, and 89 Indian premieres.
The star-studded opening ceremony promises entertainment with performances by Shahid Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit, Nushratt Bharucha, and Shriya Saran. A glittering array of attendees is expected, including Hollywood icons Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones, as well as Bollywood luminaries Salman Khan, Vidya Balan, and AR Rahman. The cinematic extravaganza, spanning nine days, will conclude on November 28 with a closing ceremony featuring performances by Ayushmann Khurrana and music composer Amit Trivedi. The festival guarantees a diverse lineup of film screenings, celebrity appearances, and insightful masterclasses, including a unique conversation with iconic Indian villains scheduled for November 27.