New Delhi, February 22: As the Lok Sabha elections draw near, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) shifts its attention to ‘Mission GYAN,’ coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. GYAN stands for ‘Garib’ (poor), Yuva (youth), Annadata (farmers), and Nari (women), representing the key pillars of the party’s electoral strategy.In a recent address to party cadres, PM Modi emphasized the welfare of these four sections of society, highlighting them as the only essential ‘castes’ in the country. With ambitious targets set by PM Modi, the BJP aims to secure maximum seats, aligning with the goal of 370-plus seats for the party and ‘400 paar’ for the NDA.To execute ‘Mission GYAN,’ top BJP leaders including PM Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and BJP National President JP Nadda will lead extensive campaigns targeting each of these segments.PM Modi is slated to address women voters, particularly in West Bengal, a significant move considering recent unrest in the state. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will engage with farmers in Chhattisgarh, coinciding with ongoing protests in Delhi. Similarly, Nadda will focus on youth in Nagpur, and Amit Shah will address the backward classes in Patna.The party’s outreach under ‘Mission GYAN’ will encompass various initiatives including events for the poor, SC/ST communities, women, youth, and farmers. These efforts aim to establish direct contact with voters and inform them about the government’s initiatives for their welfare.Various wings of the party such as Mahila Morcha and Yuva Morcha are actively involved in organizing events and engaging with specific demographics. With conferences and outreach programs underway, the BJP is leaving no stone unturned in its bid to connect with voters across the nation.