In a significant move, Karnataka’s Chief Minister Siddaramaiah inaugurated the ‘Asha Kirana – Eye Care at Your Doorstep’ initiative aimed at providing accessible eye care services to families across the state at no cost. The program offers comprehensive eye care services, including doorstep check-ups, diagnosis, and treatment, including distribution of spectacles and cataract surgeries. To ensure widespread coverage, spectacle dispensing centers have been set up in all Primary Health Centers (PHCs). The initiative, already implemented successfully in eight districts, targets reducing avoidable blindness. Health personnel and ASHA workers conduct primary eye check-ups at homes, marking households for targeted outreach based on identified issues. In the initial phases, millions underwent screenings, leading to the identification of beneficiaries for spectacles and surgeries. Future phases will extend the program to more districts, ensuring comprehensive eye care services across Karnataka. This initiative, catering to Karnataka’s population of over 6.5 Crore, aims to enhance the quality of life by preventing early complications through extensive coverage.