Chandigarh: In a groundbreaking move, the Director General of Police Haryana, Shatrujeet Kapur, has emphasized the pivotal role of sports competitions in rural areas to steer young individuals away from drug use. Haryana Police’s innovative anti-drug initiative through sports has witnessed robust participation from the youth, marking a significant step towards fostering a drug-free future.
Under this program, the collaboration of policemen, ex-servicemen, and seasoned sportsperson acts as mentors and guides for the youth. Mr. Kapur highlighted the effectiveness of sports in channeling the energy of the youth positively, contributing not only to physical development but also preparing them for various fitness examinations. As part of this initiative, a successful Youth Sports Festival was recently organized in Panipat district, drawing the enthusiastic participation of over 2200 young individuals, showcasing their talents. Similar events are in the pipeline for districts including Hisar, Bhiwani, Dadri, Sirsa, Dabwali, Narnaul, Rewari, Nuh, Palwal, Jhajjar, Sonipat, Panipat, Karnal, and Kurukshetra.
As a strategic move, Special Police Officers (SPOs) under 50, with prior sports experience in the army and paramilitary, have been appointed in various villages. These SPOs, alongside police personnel and seasoned players, actively encourage and motivate youth to engage in sporting activities, both in the mornings and evenings. Simultaneously, efforts are underway to form teams comprising these individuals, preparing them for participation in district and state-level competitions.
Highlighting the critical role of the youth as the future of the nation, the Director General emphasized the importance of directing their energy towards positive endeavors. Through sports, the youth not only participate in physical activities but also actively contribute to the de-addiction campaign. This connection aims to discourage drug use and inspire others to follow suit. The Director General acknowledged the commendable efforts of village and ward guards who have diligently compiled records of individuals involved in the buying and selling of drugs within their communities over several months.
Mr. Kapur shed light on the extensive efforts undertaken to create a drug-free state. Last year, the Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau organized 1830 awareness campaigns, engaging a staggering 9,59,205 individuals. Simultaneously, in a robust campaign against drug smugglers, the state’s bureaus registered 3823 FIRs, leading to the arrest of 5460 individuals. As part of the de-addiction initiative, a Cyclothon, under the leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Lal as part of the Haryana Uday program, was conducted from September 1 to September 25 last year. This event aimed not only to inspire the youth to distance themselves from drugs but also provided crucial information about the detrimental effects of drug abuse.
In a nutshell, Haryana Police’s sports-driven anti-drug initiative stands as a beacon of hope in the battle against substance abuse. With proactive engagement, strategic appointments, and community involvement, the program is making significant strides towards creating a healthier and drug-free environment for the youth of Haryana. The combined efforts of law enforcement, sports enthusiasts, and community guardians are proving to be a formidable force in shaping a brighter future for the state. The innovative approach serves as a model for other regions to consider in their fight against the pervasive issue of drug abuse.