Saharanpur: Following the submission of the government’s survey report, Saharanpur district officials branded Darul Uloom, Deoband—an Islamic education institution—as an ‘illegal’ unrecognised madrassa. In their investigation, district officials identified 306 other unrecognised Islamic education organisations as unlawful. Information regarding 306 unlawful madrasas was given to administration. Darul Uloom Deoband is likewise an unlawful madrassa and is not eligible for scholarships or other programs, said Bharat Lal Gond, the district minority welfare officer.
An inquiry was conducted based on parameters established by the administration, such as the year the madrasa was established, the society that manages it, the name of the madrasa, and their source of money, he continued. Whatever conclusion the administration makes will be based on that complaint, BL Gond said. According to sources, the local government has registered 754 madrassas. There are 664 madrassas that run up to fifth grade, 80 that go up to eighth grade, and 10 that run up to class ten.