Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked Diwali in Himachal Pradesh, expressing gratitude to Indian Army soldiers for their dedicated service. Tweeting about the occasion, he shared photos of his interactions with the armed forces, emphasizing that, for him, Ayodhya is where Indian Army personnel are.
Modi, who has celebrated Diwali with the armed forces for the past 30-35 years, praised their role in various missions, citing instances such as the evacuation in Sudan and assistance during the earthquake in Turkiye. He reiterated his commitment to visiting border areas during Diwali, emphasizing that a place where security forces are deployed is akin to a temple.
Acknowledging the forces as the “strongest wall on the border,” Modi highlighted India’s achievements, including a significant increase in defense exports and the milestone of Rs 1 lakh crore worth of defense production in the country. He also commended the commissioning of 500 women officers, women pilots flying Rafale fighter jets, and the posting of women officers on warships.
In a tweet, Modi expressed deep emotion and pride in spending Diwali with the brave security forces in Lepcha, Himachal Pradesh. He lauded their unwavering courage, sacrifice, and dedication, emphasizing that India will always be grateful to these heroes, the embodiment of bravery and resilience, stationed in the toughest terrains away from their loved ones.