Filmmaker Mani Haghighi is a vocal supporter of the anti-hijab protests following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, three days after she was arrested by the morality police for not adhering to strict dress codes.
Tehran: Iranian filmmaker Mani Haghighi has been prevented from leaving Iran to attend the BFI London Film Festival, because of his support for the protests sparked by the death of the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody.
British Film Institute on Friday, October 14 took to Twitter and shared a video of Mani Haghighi and captioned, “Mani Haghighi was supposed to attend the festival to screen his latest film “Subtraction“, but the Iranian authorities confiscated his passport and he was unable to leave.”
In the details, 53-year-old Mani Haghighi said in a video message broadcast to festival attendees and posted by the British Film Institute on Twitter, “Iranian authorities prevented me from boarding the plane to London on Friday. The officials did not give me a real reason behind this rude behaviour.”