Jaipur: All eyes in Rajasthan and even across the nation are now set on Congress’ Chintan Shivir which will be organised from May 13-15 in Udaipur. However, the three day event will be christened, according to sources, as ‘Nav Sankalp’ Shivir which may be the perfect platform to get the party workers charged up for the run up to 2023 Rajasthan assembly election followed by general election in 2024.
Notably, the program will be organized in Hotels Ananta, Taj Aravalli and Oreka and committees will be formed for successful organization of Nav Sankalp camp, which will be formed by CM Gehlot and PCC Chief Dotasara.
Since Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi are scheduled to attend the Shivir, 450 rooms have been booked for the three day event wherein bookings for Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi have been done at Taj Aravali, while the rest of the leaders will stay at the resort and hotel.
It is believed that the main Shivir will be in Taj Aravali Resort only where AC domes will be built as well as 8 to 10 board rooms will also be prepared so that parallel sessions can run during Chintan Shivir in these board rooms.
However, official announcement will be made by AICC. Notably, Congress high command will meet Congress MLAs of Raj.