New Delhi: Delhi Police has arrested eight people for vandalizing the official residence of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in Civil Lines. They are being questioned about the rest who were involved. Rest are being identified with the help of CCTV. FIR of this incident was registered on Wednesday evening.
According to DCP Sagar Singh Kalsi, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha demonstrated outside the Chief Minister’s residence on Wednesday. Around 11:30 am, 150-200 protesters had gathered some distance away from the Chief Minister’s residence. These people were protesting against statement made by the Chief Minister in the assembly about the film ‘The Kashmir Files’. He said that at around one o’clock in the afternoon, some of these protesters broke the barricade outside the Chief Minister’s residence and entered inside and raised slogans. They used abusive words against the Chief Minister. These people threw box of paint at the door of the Chief Minister’s residence, damaged a boom barrier installed for security and also the CCTV camera installed there. Police removed them.
AAP leaders allege that these people wanted to kill Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. It is alleged that the police did not give permission for the demonstration.