In Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan alleged that false information was being spread in the name of eco-sensitive zones (ESZ) or the buffer zones, in the State. While addressing a press conference today, Mr Vijayan said, the State Government will not take any action that affects livelihood of people residing along the protected forests.
Supreme Court in June had directed that a buffer zone of 1-km be maintained around forests and sanctuaries across the country.Chief Minister said that State government will inform the Apex court about the inhabited land that falls under these zones.He further assured that alll aspects will be examined before submitting a final report. Inhabited land and agricultural land will be excluded from this.
Meanwhile Kerala government had decided last day to publish the buffer zone map as protests intensified in the State over government’s allegedly “hasty” satellite survey of forest areas. The objections against the satellite survey report of the State government have been gaining momentum over the last few days with locals of affected areas, Congress party and Christian religious organisations terming the survey as “inaccurate” and “lacking clarity”.