In a heated political exchange, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Monday accused the BJP-led Haryana government of “deliberately polluting” the Yamuna river with industrial waste, jeopardizing the water supply to the national capital. Atishi claimed this move was a deliberate attempt to disrupt Delhi’s water supply ahead of the upcoming Assembly elections, where the BJP fears a “historic loss.”
“The bewildered BJP is resorting to tactics like stopping Delhi’s water supply. Haryana is intentionally throwing industrial waste into the Yamuna to harm Delhiites and influence the election outcome,” Atishi said at a press conference.
She highlighted that the ammonia levels in Yamuna water have surged to a dangerous 7.2 ppm, making it impossible for water treatment plants to purify the water.
AAP supremo and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal intensified the attack, alleging that the BJP is playing “dirty politics” by mixing “poison” in the water. “BJP leaders in Haryana are sending poisonous water to Delhi. If people drink this, many will die. Can there be anything more disgusting? This poison cannot even be treated in water plants, forcing us to halt water supply in many areas for safety,” Kejriwal said in a post on X.
Hitting back, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini dismissed the allegations, accusing AAP of having a habit of blaming others. “I asked them to send their chief secretary, and I’ll ask mine to check the water quality together. They talk about ammonia, but there is no water shortage,” Saini told reporters.
The political spat comes amid rising tensions over water management, with the Yamuna playing a crucial role in supplying water to Delhi. Kejriwal alleged that the BJP’s actions amount to “mass murder,” but assured Delhi residents that the AAP government would not let such tactics succeed.
The water quality debate has added another layer of tension as Delhi prepares for Assembly polls, with both sides trading barbs over the health and safety of Delhi’s residents.