The Bengaluru City Civil Court has granted bail to Nikita Singhania (Atul Subhash’s wife), her mother Nisha Singhania, and her brother Anurag Singhania on Saturday (January 4). Atul Subhash, an AI engineer, had committed suicide on December 9 in his apartment.
Atul Subhash Recorded a Video Before His Suicide
Before taking his life, Atul Subhash recorded a 90-minute video and left a 40-page note detailing the reasons behind his decision. He alleged that his wife Nikita demanded ₹3 crore for divorce, putting him under severe mental stress. In his video, Atul also accused Nikita’s mother, Nisha Singhania, and brother, Anurag Singhania, of harassment.
Arrests Made on December 14
Nikita Singhania was arrested on December 14 in Gurugram, while her mother and brother were detained in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The police presented them in court, where they were sent to 14 days of judicial custody. The FIR was filed under sections 108 and 3(5) of the Indian Penal Code, based on a complaint by Vikas Kumar, who accused the trio of abetting Atul’s suicide.
Court Grants Bail
The accused filed for bail, and the Bengaluru City Civil Court, during a hearing on January 4, granted them relief. Justice Hemant Chandangoudar, while issuing the bail order, stated that the grounds for their arrest were not adequately presented in court.
Serious Allegations Against Nikita
Atul had made several serious allegations against his wife, Nikita. He claimed that she had filed nine complaints against him, including charges of murder, sexual harassment, financial harassment, domestic violence, and dowry demands. In a divorce case, Atul had been ordered to pay ₹20,000 per month for child support, which was later increased to ₹40,000. Nikita was allegedly demanding additional money.
The case has sparked significant public and legal debate about mental health, marital disputes, and the misuse of legal provisions.