Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar once again reassured Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday that his party, the Janata Dal (United), would remain loyal to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and would never “go elsewhere” again. As Kumar acknowledged his past mistakes, PM Modi was seen smiling on the stage.
The context of this reaffirmation came during PM Modi’s visit to Bihar’s Jamui, where he participated in the Tribal Pride Day celebrations marking the 150th birth anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda. During this event, the Prime Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for development projects worth over тВ╣6,640 crore.
CM Nitish Kumar was also present on the stage and warmly welcomed PM Modi. In his speech, he assured the audience that JD(U) would stand firmly with the BJP going forward. He remarked, “There were mistakes in the past. Some of our people made mistakes, but we have now decided that we will never go anywhere else. We have been with Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji’s government and have worked together since 1995. Now, we are with the BJP and will stay with them. We will never go elsewhere again.”
Kumar further emphasized the longstanding partnership between JD(U) and BJP, saying, “Since 1995, we have been working together. Now, we will stay united and work with BJP. We are fully committed to this alliance.”
The Chief Minister also praised PM Modi, stating that he was working for the betterment of the entire country and had done a lot for Bihar. “Wherever he goes, he gets things done. We welcome him, and we appreciate his efforts for Bihar.”
It is important to note that Nitish Kumar’s party, JD(U), had earlier left the NDA alliance and joined the Mahagathbandhan (Grand Alliance) before returning to the NDA fold. Since rejoining the NDA, Nitish Kumar has repeatedly assured that his party will never align with the Mahagathbandhan again.